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Moving Boldly Into 2023 with Faith Over Fear.

Writer's picture: Lisa BairdLisa Baird

2022. What a year. What have been your highs? Your lows? Are you ready to pack it up and move forward? Have you taken time to review 2022 and think through opportunities for growth you have in the coming year? Do you take the time to do that? Or do you just turn the page and continue doing the same things, year after year?

Overall 2022 has been an incredibly great, challenging, healing, and growing year for me: I'm alive. Not only am I alive but I'm feeling and doing better every day. My family is healthy. Our tribe of grandkids has grown to 8. We've paid off our 12-year SBA loan for our Auto Care business. We are involved with a local bible-based church. My photography business brings me joy, as does my growing online business. I have a sweet group of encouraging friends. I'm in a really good place.

This hasn't always been the case.

Most of you may know this, but for those who don't, I got bitten by a tiny, little tick while out enjoying nature over 15 years ago. And that was the beginning of Lymes disease and co-infections, which created havoc in my body and immune system, causing all kinds of autoimmune diseases.

Many times, especially in the past 7 years (which were the worst), I wondered if I would awake in the morning, or if that night was the one when God would take me home. I was a drain on my family and our finances, and I was tired of being chronically ill.

Yet here I am, just a year and a half later, clear of brain fog, not living with joint pain, planning future events, running several businesses, and loving my life.

I am looking forward to 2023 with joy. Without fear. I'm excited to see all God has planned for me to do. One of our recent company mantras is "Faith over Fear." It's pretty easy to say, sounds good, but it's definitely harder to live out. I am determined, though, to no longer allow fear to decide for me. Fear doesn't get to choose my "fate." I do. I may not always see ahead clearly, but God does, and He will guide my steps, Typically I start "reviewing" my year right before Christmas, but this year, it's happening the first week of January. I plan to write down my thoughts on 2022 and what was good, what was not, what needs to be released, and what needs to be gathered in, as I ask God for His input, and get a plan in place for the coming year. A plan to grow in faith, in relationships, in business, in mindset.

How about you? What are your thoughts as we pack up 2022, and ring in 2023? I'd love to hear some of your prayers and dreams for the coming year in the comments.

May the year be filled with joy, growth, love, and increasing faith!

Blessings and joy to you my friends! Lisa

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