Are you looking for additional income? Have you thought about starting a business? Joining an online company? Adding an online "hustle"? Doing some affiliate work?
My husband and I bought an auto care business 12 years ago. We counted the cost, had others wiser than us look into the business, and all agreed, this was solid. What none of us knew at the time was that the books were not accurate. The accounts had been dramatically skewed. Lies upon lies that almost took us, and our investors out.

It has been a tumultuous 12 years. 12 years of heavy SBA loan payments. 12 years of wondering if "this month" we'd have to file bankruptcy. 12 years of almost no pay for David working 3 days a week in the shop (he also teaches at IUS, preaches, and speaks, and takes on whatever he'd needed to keep our company alive and a roof over our heads).
Did I mention that in year 4 our office manager was brutally murdered? In a sleepy little suburb outside Louisville? I have never heard of anything like this before or since in this area.
My husband has had to deal with drug users and theft, customers who take advantage of his "good faith" outlook and skip out without paying. The list of business ownership issues goes deep, and at times, it's painful. Oh, and we also had a pandemic.
So, why am I mentioning all of this? Because while we can all use some extra income about now, starting a business costs way more than money - but the financial output is huge too. I think back to some of the years when we knew God held us that didn't mean that the business was going to make it. It didn't mean that we would ever see a dime of our investment, or that we wouldn't lose our home. It was scary and the mental toll was massive.

So being the entrepreneurial-minded person I am, and not liking the weight of an actual brick-and-mortar store, I partnered with a company where the investment to get started and to "keep the doors open" was minimal, but the potential for additional income was massive -- and the market? The US plus 26 other countries, and growing.
Now I mentor other entrepreneurial women who step into this partnership with me. It's exciting, a little scary (not in the same way as owning our auto care shop!), challenging, and full of fun.
If you are interested in joining us, and learning how you can get in on this opportunity and invest in your own growth while building a family legacy, but also know you want someone in your corner, mentoring, and coaching, click the button, and let's see if this is a good fit for you!